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Stroller Strides - a walk in the park???

Many of my friends have asked me what it is I do three times a week at Stroller Strides. One friend actually came with me and told me that it looked like a walk in the park...but she changed her mind after having tried it out once herself. So check out what it is we do...


At 9 o'clock Monday, Wednesday, Friday we meet at Holbrook Palmer Park in Atherton. Our babies are from 2 weeks old to 2+. I started myself when Linn was 3 months old and have been doing it since. She is used to sitting down in the stroller while mommy is doing her work out.

Here we warm up and if we have someone new in the group we have an introduction of ourselves and our babies.



To get the adrenaline pumping we do a fast walk/run for about 5-10 minutes. Everyone does it at their own pace. This actually goes for the whole class. You do what you manage to do and increase the difficulty yourself step by step.



In between the walking/running we meet up for some exercises. Here we work our legs.


Gina is our instructor and she is fabulous. A good athlete and full of enery she does make us feel good about what we are doing as well as challenges us to do our best.



After another walk/run we do our step routine.





Some push-ups

Wall-sits. At some stations the ones of us who have toddlers let them out of their strollers so that they can run around a bit. We also sing songs to keep the babies in good mood.

Back , shoulders and arms



Running around the baseball field, the kids love it!!



Hanging out with the other kids.


Working that triceps again before we do our abs

We have Mom's Night Out once a month which can be meeting out for dinner, bowling etc. We also do alot of other activities with our friends from Stroller Strides. Among other things we have had our own music class once a week and we also have a babysitting co-op. It has been a great way to get back in shape after the pregnancy as well as getting the social benefits of meeting new friends in a great environment.


After an hour of class some of us hang out in the park so that our kids can play. Who doesn't love to swing?



Alicia and Dillon hanging out at the playground.

My sister Martina has been visiting for 5 weeks and she has been going regularly to Stroller Strides. Of course she loved it. To bid her and her family farewell, there were bagels, fruits and beverages for us to enjoy after class. Thanks alot for organising.

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